In 2009, I became certified through Baptiste’s Level I and in 2013 I attained my Level II in Malindi and Level III in Mexico through the Baptiste Institute. Through these trainings, I am officially certified as a Baptiste Yoga Instructor. I have assisted two Baptiste teacher trainings-- Level I in New York and Level II in Arizona. Also, I co-lead the scholars for Team Africa and assist them within their 200hr teacher trainings. In addition I am certified by Next Generation Yoga and Kundalini Radiant both for kids’ yoga, attended a leadership workshop lead by Baron in 2010, and have participated in many workshops lead by international yoga instructors.
Growing up in Kangemi, I would often do acrobatics and various physical exercise with my friends and peers. Through this group I found yoga. In 2009, I lost my mom to illness and life grew tough -- filled with hustling, bustling, and any means to get by and provide for my younger brother and sister. Within the same time frame I lost many friends to crime some of whom are still in prison. Luckily, 2009 was also when my relationship with the Africa Yoga Project began. Everything within my life was crazy, however I had never felt such a sense of ease as I did during my first teacher training with Baron. This for me, brought hope. In a time when there was no light, no hope, living life just to make ends meet. Even though I lost my mom, the one I loved most, I learned through yoga that family is not just blood and that community can be created outside of family to help others and myself grow together.
I brought yoga to my community, as I saw them going through the same struggles my mom endured. I primarily taught women and was inspired by their practices and what they shared with me. I first taught outreaches in Kangemi, Kariobangi, and Korokocho. By teaching these outreach classes, I was kept busy and off the streets. Then I was able grow my teaching to private classes, no longer hustling and hiding from the community and now providing hope to my community and others.
With AYP, I have participated in the HHH (Hugs, Handstands, and Happiness) tour bringing AYP to various parts of the United States, was selected as one of the faces of the first Lululemon/AYP #HeretoBe collaborative tour and together with Millie Weke was featured in their documentary, and have co-lead with Paige Elenson and my mentor AYP’s first ever 40 days to Personal Revolution Program.
Currently with the Africa Yoga Project I teach private lessons, group lessons, and gym classes at Revitalize Wellness in Westlands three times a week. Since 2014, I have worked to empower new AYP teachers through the teacher trainings, within Eastern Africa to show them the power of AYP. Through workshops in Uganda, Rwanda, and Tanzania, I mobilize youth to go through the teacher training as well. Through these workshops, we have created “Team Africa” which is currently comprised of more than 20 teachers. I help to train them within the Journey Into Power Sequencing and create classes in their communities. My goal is to bring the power of yoga and the 200hr Teacher Training to all of Africa. Whether potential teachers come and train at the Shine Center or even to create their own centers, to attain what I have been given within their own countries, is long term goal for me.
Ultimately, I want to bring hope; the hope that I was given and still experience daily. Growing side-by-side with the Africa Yoga Project, I know yoga saved my life and I know through yoga I can save and empower more lives.
Please feel free to contact me for private yoga classes, information on Team Africa, or any inquiries at: // 0708151565 #HeretoBe