Margaret Njeri
Shine Center Reception Team
I can really see a change in my students, since starting yoga they have really become strong. When they started they were weak and now they are healthy. They don’t have the fear that they’re going to die anymore, now they think about what is next in their life, they think about the future. Yoga has helped the mothers become better mothers to their children and the small kids are having fun. The slums are a dirty environment, but by bringing in yoga we have brought in health, peace, happiness, and freedom.
I work with women in prison who have killed people and I want to help them and teach them to let go of the stress of their situation. Relaxing your mind is possible anywhere, they can be who they want to be. For me, yoga has really helped me-you see me right now, I am shining and I am not shy anymore. Be yourself, do not be afraid or anything. In life do not give up-if you give up, then everything you worked for will disappear.
In one year I want my own studio and in that studio, it’s one of my students running it. I will be in another country spreading the word of what yoga can accomplish!